Combining ASP.NET Core validation attributes with Value Objects
This is a continuation of the article series about some more advanced error handling techniques.
Advanced error handling techniques
This post describes some (more) advanced error handling techniques. I’ll probably do a series because this topic is large and there’s quite a few things that need to be cleared out, but we’ll see.
You are naming your tests wrong!
Giving your tests expressive names is important. Proper naming helps understand what the test verifies and how the underlying system behaves. In this post, we’ll take a look at a popular, yet inferior naming convention and see how it can be improved.
I'm writing a book!
I’m writing a book called Unit Testing: Principles, Patterns and Practices.
Merging domain events before dispatching
This post describes a common problem: how to deal with multiple domain events if raising of one of them must negate the others.
CQRS and exception handling
In this article, I’d like to discuss one particular aspect of exception handling relevant to CQRS and the decorator pattern.
When to validate commands in CQRS?
There’s a question that I didn’t cover in the course and that was raised at least twice since then: when to validate commands in CQRS?
Are CQRS commands part of the domain model?
I published an online course about CQRS a couple months ago, and since then I realized that there are some topics I didn’t put enough emphasize on in that course, or didn’t cover at all. In the next several blog posts, I’m going to fill this gap.
Hierarchy of value objects
This article is a response to a reader’s question. The question posed an interesting problem that I think will be interesting to a wider audience.
CQRS vs Specification pattern
This is an article about how two DDD patterns contradict each other.